The Continuum from Susie Briscoe

December 2017

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In This Issue

• A Note From Susie

• Featured Article: How to Find Inspiration in Nature by Susie Briscoe

• The Susie Zone: finishing up the chakras followed by a quiz on how well you maintain your balance

• Book Reviews: Walk Shepherdess, Walk by Barrett Cobb and Connection: The Currency to Happiness by Linda Tomai Duong

What Others Are Saying: Sarah Stevenson

• Quote of The Week: Steve Jobs

Manzanilla, Mexico
Exploring the Bay!
Manzanilla, Mexico

A Note from Susie

Hello Susie,

Après news from Mexico! And yes... basically wishing we were still there!!

Here I am, getting ready for the awards ceremony… my darling daughter took this picture without my realising, but I thought it was so funny that you would appreciate seeing me trying to prettify myself and so have included it here!


It was an amazing evening, and I’m happy to say I received a medal for being a co-author in  “Are You the Missing Piece?” which went to #1 internationally, as well as receiving 2 more eLit awards for “Ready, Aim, Thrive!” and “My Big Idea Book.

It was truly special being honoured with my fellow authors and I congratulate Viki Winterton (pictured below with me and Morgana Rae) for her success with Expert Insights Publishing.  Also pictured below is my friend, and colleague, Dr. Marilyn Joyce, author of International #1 bestseller “Stress to Success”...

... and pictured below (left) going from left to right, is Lara, Jaz, me, Beth, Randa and Rita, all enjoying the pre-ceremony glow! Next is Randa and me – down in the swimming pool bar and yes, my drink is the very large and very pink Seahorse cocktail… It took me 2 hours to drink it and I savoured every drop!

However, back to life and back to reality! This month, my featured article is about  How to Find Inspiration in Nature and, in The SusieZone, we finalise the chakra theme by looking at the 10th and 11th Chakras and an article on How You Balance your Chakras followed by a Quiz on how well you maintain your balance.

Also, as a special offer, I will be conducting a teleseminar on

“Tying up the Ribbons for Christmas 2017, and getting ready to open the Gift Boxes of Learning for 2018.” 

I will be mailing a separate newsletter about that, so please keep a look out for it in your mailbox. 

For now, I would like to remind you that you have the opportunity of a free 30-minute consultation with me to discuss where you are in your life, what problems you may be facing, and to discover how I may help you.

My solo offering “Colour Your Legacy!” somehow went breach in the birth canal, but will definitely have arrived in the operating theatre - having been forcibly induced by Viki (!) - before Christmas… I encourage you to please check out my book on Amazon (As I write that, I just cannot believe the excited tremor that just went through my body!) and also remember to click on my Skype link or email me to schedule a time to get together

Once again, let me know your thoughts as I always enjoy hearing from you, but for now, sit back, favourite hot (or cold) drink in hand, and settle down for a comfortable chat with a friend. 

Loving hugs,

Featured Article

How to Find Inspiration in Nature

by Susie Briscoe

Most of us would admit to finding a sunset somewhat moving and possibly inspirational.

Few of us can walk past a beautifully red and purple sky without stopping to take a look and probably upload a picture to Instagram. The same can be said of star-filled skies and crashing waves.

Inspiring Nature
But what is it about nature that we find so beautiful and so inspirational? Why are poets, artists, and musicians drawn to these scenes? And how can you use this to encourage more creativity in your own life?

Why We Find Nature Beautiful

It’s a mistake to say that we find nature beautiful in particular. In fact, we can just as easily experience a sense of awe looking at man-made things. Try climbing to the top of a high building and looking out over the skyline of a city, and see how you feel. Likewise, many of us would...

(Click here to access and read the full article.)

The Susie Zone

In this issue's The Susie Zone, we conclude our exploration of the Transform Your Life Through Chakra Work: Continuing an Introduction to Your Chakras.

THE TENTH CHAKRA (Mental Body) centre for discernment. Soul seat, high Heart Chakra and centre for love and compassion. Divine creativity, synchronicity of life, the merging of the masculine and feminine within, unlocking of skills contained in the ninth chakra.

The 10th chakra is located just above the heart chakra at the thymus gland or spiritual heart as it is also known. It is here that we find our connection to god.

This is also...

(Click here to access and read the full article.)

Astral Body Stellar Gateway Chakra

QUIZ:  How well Do You Maintain Balance?

If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone. Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy, life can feel like a three-ring circus. Take this quiz to see how well you are meeting responsibilities, while also recognizing and fulfilling personal needs and wants. 

Click here to take this eye-opening TRUE/FALSE quiz!

Book Review

Welcome to the monthly Book Review!

Many of you have asked what books I’m currently reading, and are asking me for recommendations. 

This month, I offer you two book recommendations: Walk Shepherdess, Walk by Barrett Cobb and The Currency of Happiness by Linda Tomai Duong.


Walk Shepherdess, Walk by Barrett Cobb

Barrett Cobb took me back to my 'wishful' childhood, the one I would have loved! I really believed in fairy tales as a child, and this simple and beautifully illustrated book took me back to where I had wanted to be... I also love that she dedicated the book to her mother... for me it's a winner and I think even we "golden oldies" will cherish it, as we read it to our young… and would make a wonderful Christmas gift for any young child you know. It really is enchanting! Click here to buy it from Amazon.

Connection: The Currency to Happiness by Linda Tomai Duong

This is heartwarming book to read - full of family love which is referenced throughout. An easy read, with lots of content!

Linda wrote this book because she couldn't find a book that was simple in understanding the concept of happiness.

In reading this book, you will discover a new way of accessing happiness, a way to achieve happiness - the inner joy and inner peace, your true heartfelt contentment - without depending on others or external circumstances to provide it. Discover the way to access it immediately from within you, here and now. Click here to buy it from Amazon.

And as always, I'd love to hear what you think about these books!!

What Others Are Saying

I have worked with Susie for the past 16 years in her capacity as an exceptional and dedicated volunteer for Action Medical Research.

For many many years Susie has spearheaded events and ideas for this charity that have gained us hundreds of thousands of pounds, which ultimately has funded our excellent research and made a significant difference to the lives of people in the UK.

I have found Susie to be an inspiring leader, a great team player, a lively and fun character and always open to get involved in any way she can help!

Sarah in South Africa for Action Medical Research

Sarah in South Africa
for Action Medical Research

She is an asset to our organisation, and we do cherish and value all the time and support she has given us over the years, especially when she is so busy!

~ Sarah Stevenson, Community Fundraising Manager, Action Medical Research

Quote of the Week
 Steve Jobs

"If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."

~ Steve Jobs

Stephen Paul "Steve" Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) 

An American entrepreneur, business magnate, inventor, and industrial designer.

He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc.; CEO and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak are widely recognized as pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.

He was born in San Francisco to parents who had to put him up for adoption at birth; he was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. Jobs then attended Reed College in 1972 before dropping out, and decided to travel through India in 1974 seeking enlightenment and studying Zen Buddhism. Jobs’ declassified FBI report stated that an acquaintance knew that Jobs had used marijuana, and LSD while he was in college. Jobs once told a reporter that taking LSD was "one of the two or three most important things" he did in his life.

Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. The visionaries gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. In 1979, after a tour of PARC, Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto, which was mouse-driven and had a graphical user interface (GUI). This led to development of the unsuccessful Apple Lisa in 1983, followed by the breakthrough Macintosh in 1984. In addition to being the first mass-produced computer with a GUI, the Macintosh introduced the sudden rise of the desktop publishing industry in 1985 with the addition of the Apple LaserWriter, the first laser printer to feature vector graphics. Following a long power struggle, Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985.

After leaving Apple, Jobs took a few of its members with him to found NeXT, a computer platform development company that specialized in state-of-the-art computers for higher-education and business markets. In addition, Jobs helped to initiate the development of the visual effects industry when he funded the spinout of the computer graphics division of George Lucas's Lucasfilm in 1986. The new company, Pixar, would eventually produce the first fully computer-animated film, Toy Story—an event made possible in part because of Jobs’ financial support.

In 1997, Apple merged with NeXT. Within a few months of the merger, Jobs became CEO of his former company; he revived Apple at the verge of bankruptcy. Beginning in 1997 with the "Think different" advertising campaign, Jobs worked closely with designer Jonathan Lye to develop a line of products that would have larger cultural ramifications: the iMac, iTunes and iTunes Store, Apple Store, iPod, iPhone, App Store, and the iPad. In 2001, the original Mac OS was replaced with a completely new Mac OS X, based on NeXT's NeXTSTEP platform, giving the OS a modern Unix-based foundation for the first time.

Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour in 2003 and died on October 5, 2011, of respiratory arrest related to the pancreatic tumour.

(Source: Wikipedia)

About Susie

Hello! I'm Susie Briscoe of Acer Coaching Associates, and I work with business professionals around the world to get clarity on their life purpose, to include a legacy mindset, and start thinking outside their usual parameters. Learn more here.

Legacy & Entrepreneurship Coach, Executive Coach, Money and Finance Coach

UKCLC; C&M International Accredited by Birmingham University, UK: Coach, Mentor, Supervisor
MBM Certified

Member: International Association of Business Coaching

Susie Briscoe

Susie Briscoe
Founding Chair & Chief Executive,
Acer Coaching Associates

Susie Briscoe has devoted over a decade of her professional life to achieving excellence in entrepreneurship. She now brings her years of hands-on experience to help struggling business owners break through their own blocks and overcome their personal gremlins to become the success that they know they are meant to be.

Susie has identified 'Leading Legacy' work as a major part of her passion. This is about filling the gap; working with people who still have an empty feeling inside themselves for whatever reason, and finding a way to give back to the world whilst recognising the importance of not wasting time as the clock continues to tick...

With her signature spirited style, 'can do' energy, and exceptional skills as a catalyst and educator, Susie is, without question, the go-to-girl for guidance on overcoming disadvantages and finding 'silver lining rainbow solutions' within any grey clouds. Since 2004, Susie regularly meets and speaks with clients from around the world to educate and inspire them to bring money and meaning into their business and personal life, showing how to overcome any individual hurdles along the way.

She has successful experience of working with all ages, from teenagers in their senior year at school or technical colleges approaching University and other life choices to those either retired or approaching retirement who recognise there is still music yet to be played within them.

"You want to explore your legacy, life purpose and make a difference. I help you, a busy professional, to gain clarity, think outside your usual parameters, and build a business with a real sense of meaning."

~ Susie Briscoe  

Need A Speaker?

My calendar is available for online speaking engagements (tele-summits, webinars, and video summits) or as a guest on your radio show.

If you'd like more information about having me speak to your group, club, organization or meet-up on any of the following topics, please get in touch with me through the contact information below.

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© 2017 Susie Briscoe

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Disclosure: From time to time, we will include links in the emails that would include promotions for our own products or affiliate products that could generate income or commission for Acer Coaching Associates (our company). In the case of affiliate recommendations, most of the products are products that we have purchased, used, and recommend honestly. Regardless of compensation, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences of the product. These opinions are our own. Any claims, statistics, and quotes should be verified with the manufacturer or service provider. Be sure to do your own due diligence before making any purchases.