Susie Briscoe Newsletter
Susie Briscoe
Founding Chair &
Chief Executive,
Acer Coaching Associates

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I'm Susie Briscoe of Acer Coaching Associates,
and I work with business professionals around the world to get clarity on their life purpose, to include a legacy mind set, and start thinking outside their usual parameters.

Do take a look at my business page.

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Legacy & Entrepreneurship Coach, Executive Coach, Money and Finance Coach

UKCLC; C&M International - Accredited by Birmingham University, UK: Coach, Mentor, Supervisor

MBM Certified

Member: International Association of Business Coaching

You want to explore your legacy, life purpose & make a difference. I help you, a busy professional, to gain clarity, think outside your usual parameters, and build a business with a real sense of meaning.

Need A Speaker?

My calendar is available for online speaking engagements (tele-summits, webinars, and video summits) or as a guest on your radio show.

If you'd like more information about having me speak to your group, club, organization or meet-up on any of the following topics, please get in touch with me through the contact information below.

• Introducing you to your best self!
• Living your life purpose
• Creating a legacy mindset
• Identifying what it is that's really important to you!
• Incorporating contribution as an everyday way of life

Contact Me:

28 October, 2014
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• A Note From Susie

• Featured Article: The Essential Keys To Self-Improvement & Motivation by Susie Briscoe

• Featured Poem: It Was One of Those Fine October Days by Richard Greene

• The Susie Zone: Healthy Mind Body Spirit Recommendations - New Website

• What Others Are Saying: Sue Hodson

• Quote Of The Week: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hello {!name_fix},

Exciting news to share about the Susie Zone, but don't want to spoil the surprise... see if you can guess from my pics here... and doubt that you will!!

This feels like we're playing charades together, which is great fun... well good luck with the guessing, and let me know if you were anywhere near correct. If you are, I'll send the first person back to me a small gift for letting me know!

I'm looking at sharing good tips on how to make progress with self-improvement and motivation in my featured article today. Remember to take action, and set yourself up now by following the exercises about laying out your goals, desires and dreams and discover how you are going to achieve them by making a plan that you can easily implement in today's article—it would be my honour to help you with this—whilst also learning how you can make a real difference in the world.

For now, I would like to remind you that you have the opportunity of a free 30-minute consultation with me to discuss where you are in your life, what problems you may be facing, and discover what your solutions are. Please remember to click on my Skype link or email me ( to schedule a time.

Let me know your thoughts, but for now, sit back, favourite mug of hot drink in hand, and settle down for a comfortable chat with a friend.

Loving hugs,

The Essential Keys To Self-Improvement & Motivation
by Susie Briscoe

What are the three keys to self-improvement and motivation?

1. INSPIRATION Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them in the least.

These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly, because they have no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivation to even try self-improvement.


Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self-improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least annually.

Include "mini-goals" that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious "grand-goals" that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.


Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one person knows all the knowledge.

However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be conquered.

In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can never be on your way to self-improvement without the help of others. Mutual support is motivating.

Make it easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self-improvement.

Your own personal team of business owners will help re-energize you when the burdens of running your own business seem too much.

With your networking team to rely on, you can accomplish more in less time and probably have more fun in the process. You will feel motivated to accomplish self-improvement when you know you are not alone.

Please don't hesitate to call or Skype me if you'd like to explore this issue further and let me know what methods help you.

This is where I share my best mentors & resources with you; please take the time to look at each of these suggestions, as I personally find them all to be extremely helpful in my business life...

So excited to share this with you: This is where you will find my recommendations for: personal development; self-help; health & beauty; cooking for health & fitness; alongside beauty gadgets... all the latest and the best quality and value in the market place!

I've just launched this new website and it will feature products for all your Mind Body Spirit needs. Your one-stop-shop for the very best values the Internet has to offer. Please visit our "Shopping" pages, and don't miss the great values featured here!

At, our mission is to bring you the best values and variety available on the World Wide Web from the most popular shopping sites. Our site has been designed for convenience and ease of navigation to make it easy to shop online.

We are committed to providing our customers with products and services from the most reliable and reputable online shopping sites. We hope you enjoy your visit and return to often!
It Was One of Those Fine October Days
by Richard Greene

It was one of those fine October days
free from summer's heat and haze
but not yet gripped by autumn chill.

It was one of those fine October days
when the sky's so clear
you can see the moon
through the atmosphere
at midday.

It was one of those fine October days
when the trees sport yellow and red
instead of everyday summer green.

It was one of those fine October days
when one draws a deep breath
and is grateful
to be resident on Earth.

"My first impression of coaching was certainly a lasting one! In just half an hour, my outlook on my career had shifted 180 degrees. My despondency from so many disappointments had started to dissipate, and I could feel excitement and enthusiasm creeping back in again. I have actions to take which will set me moving forward on achieving my goals. Thank you so much for helping me to begin to find my old self again—I cannot wait for my next coaching session."

- Sue Hodson, London
"To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 - April 27, 1882) was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society, and he disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the United States. Emerson wrote on a number of subjects, never espousing fixed philosophical tenets, but developing certain ideas such as individuality, freedom, the ability for humankind to realize almost anything, and the relationship between the soul and the surrounding world. Emerson's "nature" was more philosophical than naturalistic: "Philosophically considered, the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul." Emerson is one of several figures who "took a more pantheist or pandeist approach by rejecting views of God as separate from the world."
Susie Briscoe has devoted nearly a decade of her professional life to achieving excellence in entrepreneurship. She now brings her years of hands-on experience to help struggling business owners breakthrough their own blocks and overcome their personal gremlins to become the success that they know they are meant to be.

Susie has identified 'Leading Legacy' work as a major part of her passion. This is about filling the gap; working with people who still have an empty feeling inside themselves for whatever reason, and finding a way to give back to the world whilst recognising the importance of not wasting time as the clock continues to tick...

With her signature spirited style, 'can do' energy and exceptional skills as a catalyst and educator, Susie is without question the go-to-girl for guidance on overcoming disadvantages and finding 'silver lining rainbow solutions' within any grey clouds. Since 2004, Susie regularly meets and speaks with clients from around the world to educate and inspire them to bring money and meaning into their business and personal life, showing how to overcome any individual hurdles along the way.

She has successful experience of working with all ages, from teenagers in their senior year at school or technical colleges approaching University and other life choices to those either retired or approaching retirement who recognise there is still music yet to be played within them.
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© 2014 Susie Briscoe
Disclosure: From time to time, we will include links in the emails that would include promotions for our own products or affiliate products that could generate income or commission for Acer Coaching Associates (our company). In the case off affiliate recommendations, most of the products are products that we have purchased, used and recommend honestly. Regardless of compensation, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences of the product. These opinions are our own. Any claims, statistics and quotes should be verified with the manufacturer or service provider. Be sure to do your own due diligence before making any purchases.