The Susie Zone - The Throat Chakra (July 2017)

The Throat Chakra (Lotus Vishuddha)
Encouragement of communication center; the center of truth, personal expression, responsibility, faith, and creativity.

by Susie J. Briscoe 


The 5th of the 7 energy centres is located along your spine and is referred to as the Throat chakra, or Vishuddha

The Throat Chakra

Represented by a sky-blue colour, this source of energy is located in your neck near your spine. Its activation area lies in your throat, thus the name.  

Throat chakra

It also relates to your mouth and ears, and how you speak and hear. There are physical benefits which a healthy throat chakra delivers. Your psychological well-being (or poor mental health) is also related to your throat chakra.

If the heart chakra is all about connection, the throat is about communication. If you are not a good public speaker or do not always tell the truth, this is a good chakra to work on.

This blue chakra is physically associated with your thyroid gland. This means that it is closely tied to your hormone levels. Hormone release and regulation is crucial to physical growth and development throughout your body.

Laryngitis, low motivation, chronic fatigue, pain in the jaw, and headaches are all associated with some type of blockage in your throat chakra. This energy centre is connected to creativity, writing, and self-expression. It is also associated with smell and taste, and how you hear spoken language.

When your throat chakra is in balance, you listen, speak, and communicate clearly and effectively. When this chakra is blocked you may gossip, lie, overeat, and drink too much. You also experience more aggressive and angry feelings when the 5th chakra is not clear and channeling energy efficiently.

Last time, we were looking at the heart chakra. If the heart chakra is all about connection, the throat is about communication. If you are not a good public speaker or do not always tell the truth, this is a good chakra to work on.


The following flowers, and their essential oils, will prove useful in re-balancing this most important chakra which we use to express ourselves:

  • chamomile
  • coriander
  • geranium
  • lavender

Clearing the throat chakra
Activation Exercises which are good for clearing and opening this chakra are:

  • Gargling saltwater
  • Singing
  • Screaming


Crystals associated with this chakra are:

  • Aquamarine
  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Chrysocola
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Rose Quartz
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Turquoise

I can hear your surprise that I’ve included the rose quartz and ruby here, but my research has proved that these crystals are very effective in helping clear this chakra and, I believe, have blue light ray running through them.

Next time we will be looking at the 3rd Eye chakra, and exploring the colours, flowers, oils and crystals that keep this important chakra healthy and in balance.

Don’t forget to share with me what you discovered during this month and let me know if I may share it within this newsletter next month.