Monthly Featured Article (March 2018)

 Introduction <
Chapter 1 - The Fear of Change <
Chapter 3 - How to Embrace New Beginnings
Coming in May... Chapter 4 - Enjoy Your New Beginnings >

Making A Fresh Start: Embracing New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - The Power of Change

>> Includes 2 bonus features: 1) my special report, Starting Fresh - 8 Powerful Tips; and, 2) further reading recommendations!

by Susie J. Briscoe


Changing your life for the better takes guts and determination. The way you think about change will determine how you approach it and how successful you’ll be in the outcome.

Change is a powerful tool to realize your life’s goals and to make you a better and healthier person. Old, bad habits can keep you from success. If there’s a goal you want to reach that involves changing how you live, a plan is the first step to realizing it.

Motivation to create change is a power unto itself. Once you’re determined and create a plan to reach a goal, motivation will come naturally. You’ll be excited and filled with positive thoughts about the future which will spur you on to other changes.

Change and Personal Growth

Without the power of change in your life, your personal growth will be stagnant and non-responsive. Bad habits will remain part of your life and as a result your health and self-esteem may suffer. 

Taking personal initiative to change bad habits, identify and set goals and plot the steps to meet those goals brings with it the power of motivation – the surefire way to get you on the road to success.

One main habit of successful people is embracing positive changes that come their way. Also, being open to changes you may not understand rings a certain amount of power over decision-making and the standards and principles by which you live your life.

Some ways that change can bring power to your personal life include:

  • Prompts you to take action. When change occurs, your life has to change, and you’ll become more motivated to meet challenges and goals that you may have been afraid to pursue in the past.
  • Helps you to become persistent. Persistence to see a goal through to fruition is a powerful force in ensuring that positive changes take place. The power of change can help you overcome boredom, fatigue, stress and other obstacles.
  • Promotes focus and energy. Positive changes can provide the concentration and pull energy within that’s needed to resist unhealthy and negative habits. Goal attainment is almost impossible without focus and unless you have the energy to pursue your goals, failure is imminent.
  • Makes you healthy. One of the greatest powers of positive changes is the impact it has on your body and mind. When you embrace change, your thoughts will immediately become more positive and make you want to live a healthier life to support the changes you’re making.
  • Validation. The power of change in your life helps others see you as a person who gets things done and as a positive thinker. It also helps you self-validate when you’re planning, meeting goals, and making positive changes.
  • Makes you motivated. Without motivation, change is nearly impossible – but without change, you lack motivation to accomplish what you set out to do. Begin with positive thoughts about changes you need to make in your life and that should motivate you to take action.
  • Promotes positive thoughts. The “power of positive thinking” comes about when you make positive changes in your life. Even the simple thoughts of how the changes will affect your life will have a positive influence on everything you do.

The power of positive changes in your life is infinite. You’re likely to see financial rewards, personal fulfillment, and a sense of security that you’ve never felt before. Sometimes realizing change in your life takes an enormous amount of effort on your part – but the outcome is priceless.

Making the Effort to Change

Without effort there can be no change. If you want to lose weight, you’ve got to eat healthier and exercise. Quitting smoking may require a visit to the doctor for extra help in breaking the nicotine habit. Any changes that are worthwhile in your life are going to take effort.

Change begins with the way you think. Think of yourself as a plant that goes through seasons of change. Old leaves and flowers must fall to make way for the brighter and newer ones.

You’ve also got to think about the motive of your desired change. Is the change going to make you a healthier, happier person or is the change coming from a place of greed or revenge? For example, when people think about losing weight, the motive behind the desire is often based on vanity rather than a need to become healthier.

The reason so many people fail in their weight loss goals is because the desire is coming from the wrong place. When you decide that you want to be the best you can be and that means losing weight to make you healthier and happier, that’s when the magic of change begins in your mind and body.

Major life changes are complicated. Ending a relationship or a career path is much more than an impulse to change. The utmost care and thought should be given to your motivation to make such life-changing decisions.

Sometimes people panic at the very thought of change, even if the change is simple and good for you. The panic feeling may lead you to action, which is a good thing if the change is worthwhile.

The power of change is far-reaching and may create other situations in your life which can be good or bad, so be sure the changes you want to make are worth the effort you’re extending and will bring happiness, energy, and emotional freedom to your life.

You may want to quit smoking, lose weight, change jobs, or end (or begin) a relationship, but it just seems like too much effort. You’re comfortable in the place you are now, and when you’re comfortable, it’s difficult to take action. Just know that without action, change won’t take place. Comfort doesn’t encourage you to make changes – so you have to put forth an effort by taking responsibility for the change.

And, stop blaming others and yourself or the circumstances you’re in. Others may be able to help you on the journey of change, but you – and only you – have the power to truly make changes in your life.

After you take control of your life and begin to see the positive changes that you brought about, you’ll experience a huge sense of pride.  This pride comes from your effort to bring about change – and succeed.

Change - The First Predictor of Success

Without change, there can be no success – therefore, when you begin to change for the better by putting in time and effort toward something you desire, you’re on your way to success.

Many times, people who reach a goal begin to level off on changing. Reaching the goal of getting a college degree requires changes on an almost daily basis – new knowledge and ways of thinking.

But, when you actually get the degree, you may feel that there’s nothing else for you. Jobs may not completely satisfy you, especially if they’re repetitive in nature. It’s been found that those who have reached higher success levels are always changing rather than taking a stagnant approach to life.

The more you change, the more motivated you’ll become to keep making positive changes in your life. It just feels good to know that the changes you’re making will ensure happiness and success. That motivation, when maintained, will help you break habits and harmful patterns in your life.

Change can spur you on to success in the following ways:

  • Motivate you to go even further with positive changes in your life. After one thing works well, you’ll want to keep the momentum going.
  • You’ll be completely focused on the attainment of your goal, spending all of your energy and efforts into working toward it.
  • Stress and fatigue will be a thing of the past because you won’t be bored with what you’re doing anymore.
  • Internally, your adrenaline will flow more freely, and your mind will be able to focus clearly to help you reach your goals.
  • A new determination will crowd out doubts and negativity and help you resist unhealthy habits and patterns in your life.
  • You’ll be better able to initiate changes that will work toward you becoming the person you want to be.
  • Change will become easier and you’ll enjoy it more.

When motivation begins to translate into changes that will help you achieve your goals, you’ll see an impact in all areas of your life. This will help you persevere when you need to overcome old habits and patterns and have patience with yourself to take the time you need for the changes to happen.

You’ll also begin to develop a lifestyle which supports the changes you’re making. For some, this may be a complete upheaval of the current lifestyle, and for others it may be barely noticeable.

Main Points of Chapter 2:The Power of Change

The power of change can make an amazing difference in your life and what you can accomplish. Change may not come easy, but it can be part of your life if you’re committed and willing to make the effort. Chapter 2: The Power of Change reveals how positive changes can work in your life to bring about the success you desire and deserve. Some of the main points of Chapter 2 include:

  • Positive changes can make you a healthier and happier person. Bad habits keep you from reaching your goals. Changing those habits will propel you to unparalleled success.
  • Motivation to create change involves being excited about the future and creating a plan that will naturally promote change.
  • Non-change can lead to a stagnant lifestyle that may hurt your health and your self-esteem.
  • When you change, you’ll be prompted to take action. For example, if you lose weight, you may be more motivated to step into a career which involves meeting people.
  • Change helps you become more focused and energetic.
  • Others will see you as a go-to person – one who gets things done in a positive manner.
  • Change has a domino effect of bringing about more positive changes such as financial and personal security that you may have never experienced before.
  • Without effort, there can be no change in your life. Any changes you make in your lifetime are going to take effort – some large and some small.
  • Your motives may determine if you succeed or fail in the changes you want to make in your life.

The power of change can cause a “butterfly effect” to happen in your life. Positive changes bring about positive life changes that you may not be aware are happening.



Starting Fresh - Tips Report

This report includes 8 powerful tips for starting fresh.

It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take right away and a list of suggested reading for those people who are looking for even more information. © 2018


Whether you are looking to start a new job, or you just want some change in your life, use the following tips to help get you going.  And, at the end of this report, you will find action items for you to use.

  1. Imagine What Your New Life Will Be Like:
    The first tip is to try and imagine what your new start is going to look like. Some people already have an idea while others never thought about it before because they believed it would never happen. This brings us to the next tip...
  2. Believe in the Change:
    Without a belief that a change is possible, you will find it very difficult to get to that place. You will also offer up every imaginable excuse as to why it cannot happen and put up mental roadblocks. When you do believe, you will start to look for ways to make the change.
  3. Gain Support from Friends and Family:
    Having the support of those around you is going to go a long way in helping you start a new life. When you gain the support of your friends and family, they will help you do what is necessary to get you there.
  4. Get the Necessary Funding:
    It is easier than ever to obtain funding these days. You can hit up your friends and family or you can sponsor fundraisers. Crowdfunding is a great resource for people to get funding for just about any purpose.
  5. Career Change:
    Maybe your career isn’t what you hoped, and you want a new start. To determine what you want to do, what do you think about when you are distracted? If you continually go to the same idea, this could be a great place to start. Even if it’s a hobby, don’t let that prevent you from pursuing it. The internet has made it quite easy to turn hobbies into businesses.
  6. Taking on a New Hobby:
    Try something you’ve never tried before. Get outside your comfort zone by doing something that you never imagined you would try. For instance, maybe you have always thought it would be cool to play piano or write a song for your kids. The process that you will go through to learn these new skills will give you a new self-identity and can boost your self-esteem.
  7. Move to a New Country:
    This is an extreme way to go about a fresh start. People who do it often never look back. Living in another country where the culture is drastically different from yours is a wonderful way to see how others live and gives you a whole new perspective on life.
  8. Buy an RV and Travel Cross Country:
    You can choose to do this in your own country or in any other country depending on the local laws of those countries. If you come up with some kind of theme for your trip, you may find that others will more easily support it with funding, etc., or you could write a book about the theme.

Action Steps

1. Jot down 3 hobbies that you have always wanted to try. Think back to when you were a kid. What did you talk about with your friends? When you go to a bookstore, what kinds of books do you find yourself browsing?

2. Research and create a plan for one of the specific items in the tips above. If none of the items interest you, try to think of one that may. For instance, perhaps you have always wanted to sail long distances. 3. Create a fundraising campaign that will incorporate actions #1 and #2. By knowing what kind of change you want to implement, you can get a better sense of the type of campaigns as well as the funding source.


Further Reading

Fresh Start: The New You Begins Today
by Joel Osteen
Fresh Start: The Step-by-Step Journey to Renew and Rebuild Your Life
by Vivian Jokotade
Fresh Start Study Guide: The New You Begins Today
by Joel Osteen
The Wall Street Journal Guide to Starting Fresh: How to Leave Financial Hardships Behind and Take Control of Your Financial Life
by Karen Blumenthal
The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life
by Tommy Newberry


Next month, we look at How to Embrace New Beginnings in Chapter 3.

Don’t forget to share with me what you discovered during this month and let me know if I may share it within this newsletter next month.