Monthly Featured Article (Mar 2017)

March 2017


Transform Your Life Through Chakra Work: Continuing an Introduction to Your Chakras - Boost Your Physical Health By Balancing Your Chakras

by Susie J. Briscoe

Working with your chakras is one of the easiest ways to improve your physical health. The word Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or vortex. The chakras are energy centers in the body which are the sites of particular kinds of power. By balancing and focusing the chakras, you will feel a renewed sense of energy and of overall health, especially if you have been feeling stuck or experiencing medical issues.

The word disease, or dis-ease, helps us understand what life is like when we are suffering from poor health. It is like living in a thorn bush, never able to get comfortable, because our body is not functioning at optimal levels.

Stimulating the chakras through meditation, massage, essential oils, chakra stones, and yoga can all help bring each chakra into balance. We have 3 lower chakras and 4 higher chakras. The 3 lower ones are mostly to do with the body and need to have a solid foundation if we are ever to improve our mind and connect with our spirit.

If the lower chakras are out of balance, we are literally on a shaky foundation. The root chakra is the seat of all our most basic needs, such as food, water and shelter. A person with an imbalanced root chakra can struggle to obtain all of these basics, and therefore have little or no time for higher pursuits.

If you can balance your root chakra, then you will have energy to devote to creativity and passion, the navel chakra, and your creativity and passion can move up to your solar plexus chakra, the seat of your willpower and personal power. This is the chakra of ambition and accomplishment. Once you have gained all of your most urgent worldly needs, you can move the energy from the solar plexus chakra up to the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the seat of body, mind and spirit - the soul, if you will.  A balanced chakra offers love and compassion to others and is open enough to receive love in return. With the help of the throat chakra, you can speak from the heart. You will say what you mean, mean what you say, and literally be as good as your word. The heart chakra is all about connection; the throat chakra is all about communication.

This communion with self and others is enhanced by the third eye chakra , the seat of intuition and being open to one’s spiritual gifts. The energy from the crown chakra connects us with the universe and the divine, and vice versa.

Do meditation on each chakra every day and see what a difference it can make to your health.

Don’t forget to share with me what you discovered during this month and let me know if I may share it within this newsletter next month.