Monthly Featured Article (July 2017)

Mid-Year Life Audit and Assessment

by Susie J. Briscoe


Write on!

As I said in my opening greeting, this is a deeply important process because it's so easy to slip into busyness that leads you away from where you want to be by year end.

I thought you would appreciate me sharing with you some of my favorite journaling questions, garnered from several of my mentors, and including some of my own, and share how I use them. 

First, I take out a pretty journal like the one pictured to the right.

Then I sit quietly and set my intention to listen to my inner self -- my Wise Self or Rishi -- trusting that she knows what the perfect choices are for me to make.

Next, I begin free-writing to these questions:

  • What is working? And what makes it work?
  • How is it working?
  • Is it making a positive impact?
  • Can I replicate this?
  • Where am I being powerful (in my life and in my business)?
  • What makes me most proud at this moment?

This helps me to remember the ‘why’ that makes my business more than just a business; how it keeps me inspired to continue the work that I do, with gratitude that I have found my life purpose at a deep soul level.

Next, I switch my focus to the coming months and journal the answers to these questions in my beautiful journal specially chosen for this purpose each year:

  • What is my vision for the end of the year? (When you do this, take the time to write out exactly what and how you want to create in both your business and your life, so remember to be clear and specific!)
  • What else do I want to manifest in my life? (Be very precise, and use tangible results that you have experienced before to answer this question.)
  • What am I committed to? (Commitment is the bridge between intention and action, and is a powerful way to create what you want!)
  • What information do I need? What do I need to know? (Answering this will direct where I need to put my time and energy.)
  • What daily action would I take if I were persistently doing what I need to do?

You can deepen the process and get even more clarity by asking "What else?" to each question, until finally you run out of steam and there is nothing more to add.

Journaling like this is a powerful catalyst for growing your business and is made all the more authoritative by not judging what comes up.

I repeat:  no judgement – just let your answers flow through you via the pen onto the page.   

I promise at the end of this process you will have a much clearer understanding of what you need to do to stay on course for the final 5 – 6 months of this wonderful year!

Don’t forget to share with me what you discovered during this month and let me know if I may share it within this newsletter next month.