Monthly Featured Article (Jan 2017)

January 2017


Transform Your Life Through Chakra Work: An Introduction to Your Chakras

by Susie J. Briscoe


Working with your chakra involves focusing on specific energy centers within your body. The word chakra means wheel or vortex. It can be pictured as a spinning ball of energy in a certain color at a particular location in your body.

The chakras are an important part of Eastern medicine, in particular, Ayurvedic medicine from India. The chakras have ancient Sanskrit names that help determine location.  Working on each chakra can help you solve problems, achieve certain goals, or re-balance different aspects of your life.

There are 7 chakras in your subtle body which serve as centers for certain kinds of energy. Chakra work can help you balance each chakra in order to transform your life.

The chakras can be balanced in a number of ways, including visual imagery, chanting, using chakra stones and/or aromatherapy. You can also use yoga, in particular, Kundalini yoga.

The seven chakras, their location and associated colors, are:

  1. ChakrasThe Root Chakra - Muladhara (pronounced MOO-lah- DA-rah)

    The root chakra is located at the buttocks and anus and affects our basic needs and desires. Imagine a glowing red light near your bottom to balance and increase the energy in this area.

  2. The Navel Chakra - Svadhisthana (SHAH-dis THA-nah)

    The navel chakra is also known as the sex chakra and is located around the belly button. It is the seat of emotions, such as sexuality, and passion. It is also the seat of creation and reproduction. Its color is orange.

  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (MANNA-poor-ah)

    The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel, just below the area where your rib cage divides. It is related to power and willpower and its color is yellow like the sun. It is the chakra that controls, ambition, discipline and self-control so you can achieve all your worldly goals.

  4. The Heart Chakra - Anahata (ANN-hah-tah)

    The heart chakra is the center of compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. You can use chakra meditation to focus on a green light glowing in this area. This will help you clear away feelings of resentment, guilt, and anger and lack of love. 

  5. The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (VEE-should-ah)

    The throat chakra is located in your neck area and is the seat of all communication. A balanced one will let you speak your truth and be as good as your word. An unbalanced one will lead to lying and gossip. Picture healing blue energy at your throat.

  6. The Third Eye Chakra - Ajna (AAHJ-nah)

    The third eye chakra is located in the middle of your forehead, just above the bridge of your nose and between your eyes. It is the center of spiritual knowledge and understanding. Imagine an indigo light, that is, bluish-purple, in this area while dealing with mental or spiritual issues or problems.

  7. The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (SAH-haas-RAH-rah)

    The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and is associated with inspiration, divine wisdom, and the higher self. It connects you to the universe and vice versa. Picture a healing violet light at the top of your head.

Meditating on each chakra, its color and position, can re-balance your energy and help you move forward in whatever areas you feel stuck.

Chakras that are out of balance can result in a range of health and relationship issues. Chakras that are in balance can lead to harmony, prosperity, and high mental and spiritual power. Doing chakra work every day can bring about powerful transformations in a very short period of time.

Kundalini yoga, in particular, combines meditation, yoga, and often chanting as well to focus chakra energy and move it up and down the body as needed. Here is a set that will refresh and renew your energy. Do it each morning before you start your busy day and see what a difference it can make to your energy levels.

  • Sit cross-legged on the floor with a straight back, or on a chair with your spine straight and feet flat on the floor. Raise your arms so that your hands are in front of your chest, right above left, with your palms facing downwards and about 4 inches apart.
  • Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your mouth, which you should form into the shape of an O. As you breathe, feel yourself expand the rib cage and diaphragm. Think of the sound OM as you do so.
  • To exhale, close your mouth and exhale through the nose. Continue for 3 to 11 minutes depending on how much time you have to balance your chakras.
  • When you are ready to finish your meditation and yoga session, inhale deeply through the nose, hold the breath, and squeeze your whole body while stretching the spine upwards. Then exhale. Squeeze 2 more times, and relax.
  • The breathing will move the energy up from the 3 lower chakras to the 4 higher ones to strengthen your body. The OM mantra you are chanting mentally will awaken the third eye and crown chakra to enhance mind and spirit.

Learn more about other forms of chakra work and meditations, and see what a difference it can make to your health and energy levels.