The Continuum from Susie Briscoe

January 2019

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In This Issue

• A Note From Susie

• Featured Article: Make Small Improvements Daily, by Susie Briscoe

• The Susie Zone: How to Make Your Goals a Reality

What Others Are Saying: P.A., Cornwall

• Quote of The Week: Max Ehrmann's Desiderata

The first snowdropsThe first snowdrops

A Note from Susie

Hello Susie,

The beginning of another new year! How many of you are already feeling a sense of gloominess – the familial feel of Christmas swiftly followed by the celebrations to welcome this brand new year, and now here we are… what exactly has changed?

How many of us made new year resolutions and how many of them have already been cast aside, or worse yet not even recalled?

This month, my featured article is about making small improvements daily. At this time of the year it is all too easy to berate ourselves for not living up to an idealised standard that we have inflicted on ourselves.

My point here is to ask you to cut yourself some slack and remember the principal of Kaizen – small, slow, and steady improvements win the day.

I’m reminded of the allegory about the tortoise and the hare – who on earth would have thought that the slow tortoise would (or even could) beat the fleet of paw hare?  Yet, that is what happened.

The SusieZone is titled Visualize Your Goals – Personal Development Tips, Tricks and Strategies, so there is lots of motivation for you here, to set you up for the year ahead! 

I always endeavor to give you value, and that you consider this an online magazine – your personal ezine - which is equal to one of your favourite monthly “glossies” that you purchase from your local newsagent or newsstand, which is why I always try to make it as interesting and different for you to be able to dip in and out of.

Please feel free to introduce your friends to meet me here in our special shared space. Simply copy this URL - - and paste it into an email to your friend(s) and invite them to join us!

For now, I would like to remind you that you have the opportunity of a free 30-minute consultation with me to discuss where you are in your business and personal life, what problems you may be facing, and discover how I may help you. Schedule your appointment with me here.

My call to action - aside from scheduling a free session with me - is to take a look at my website and see which of the free resources would be the most help to you right now. (I recommend Vision Board Fun!, to help you with The SusieZone exercise this month.)

Click here to claim your copy of
Vision Board Fun!

Once again, let me know your thoughts as I always enjoy hearing from you, and for now sit back - favourite hot (or cold) drink in hand - and settle down for a comfortable chat with a friend. I’m going with mulled wine at the moment as it reminds me not just of Christmas but also of those amazing après-ski afternoons when I’ve come down from the slopes; it is part of my ritual when in the mountains!

One last thing, don't forget to claim Vision Board Fun!

Loving hugs,

Featured Article

Make Small Improvements Daily - a.k.a. Kaizen

by Susie Briscoe

Who doesn’t want to improve their lives? If you look at self-help and productivity information, you will see it’s quite popular and growing.

People want to improve. However, one of the biggest challenges people face is they try to do too much too fast.

When you build up your improvement plan, you have a much better chance of success by taking small steps.

Determine what you want to improve. You can’t tackle everything.  

Therefore, make a priority of the aspects of your life you want to improve. Once you have that, you can determine a plan on how to improve. For instance, suppose you want to improve a skill at work or learn a new one. Learn what is involved in getting up to speed, and then map out small steps that you can take to accomplish that goal.... (Click here to access and read the full article.)

The Susie Zone
Visualize Your Goals – Personal Development Tips, Tricks and Strategies - How to Make Your Goals a Reality

When people visualize anything, it makes it much more likely for them to make it a reality. They see the vision in their heads and then take steps to make it happen!

For instance, Thomas Edison improved the lightbulb. He had a vision and stopped at nothing to see it through. 

Another visionary was Steve Jobs. He pictured how his products could help improve people's lives.

You can be a visionary too. Start by...

Visualizing Your Goals

  • Carry through the same concept
  • Paint a picture of what you would like accomplished by a certain period and, when you have that picture…
  • You can determine what’s necessary to implement it

Break Down the... (Click here to access and continue reading the article...)

What Others Are Saying

Coaching really does work - just not sure why, but it's amazing. Thank you again for listening and helping.

I like the way you coach. It's honest, challenging and totally effective. I intend to learn lots from you if that's OK!                             

~  P.A., Cornwall

Quote of the Week

Max Ehrmann


"Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain and bitter, for there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. Do not distress yourself with imaginings. many fears are borne of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe; no less than the trees and the stars you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you no doubt, the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations; in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy."

~ Max Ehrmann (Desiderata)

Max Ehrmann (born 26 September 1872) was an American writer, poet, and attorney from Terre Haute, Indiana, widely known for his 1927 prose poem "Desiderata". He often wrote on spiritual themes.

Born: 26 September 1872, Terre Haute, Indiana, United States

Died: 9 September 1945, Terre Haute, Indiana, United States

Spouse: Bertha Pratt (m. 1945)

Parents: Margaret Barbara Lutz Ehrmann, Maximilian Ehrmann

Education: DePauw University, Harvard University

(Source: Wikipedia)

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About Susie

Hello! I'm Susie Briscoe of Acer Coaching Associates, and I work with business professionals around the world to get clarity on their life purpose, to include a legacy mindset, and start thinking outside their usual parameters. Learn more here.

Legacy & Entrepreneurship Coach, Executive Coach, Money and Finance Coach

UKCLC; C&M International Accredited by Birmingham University, UK: Coach, Mentor, Supervisor
MBM Certified

Member: International Association of Business Coaching

Moving people from a life of
success to one of significance.

Susie Briscoe

Susie Briscoe
Founding Chair & Chief Executive,
Acer Coaching Associates

Susie Briscoe has devoted over a decade of her professional life to achieving excellence in entrepreneurship. She now brings her years of hands-on experience to help struggling business owners break through their own blocks and overcome their personal gremlins to become the success that they know they are meant to be.

Susie has identified 'Leading Legacy' work as a major part of her passion. This is about filling the gap; working with people who still have an empty feeling inside themselves for whatever reason, and finding a way to give back to the world whilst recognising the importance of not wasting time as the clock continues to tick...

With her signature spirited style, 'can do' energy, and exceptional skills as a catalyst and educator, Susie is, without question, the go-to-girl for guidance on overcoming disadvantages and finding 'silver lining rainbow solutions' within any grey clouds. Since 2004, Susie regularly meets and speaks with clients from around the world to educate and inspire them to bring money and meaning into their business and personal life, showing how to overcome any individual hurdles along the way.

She has successful experience of working with all ages, from teenagers in their senior year at school or technical colleges approaching University and other life choices to those either retired or approaching retirement who recognise there is still music yet to be played within them.

"You want to explore your legacy, life purpose and make a difference. I help you, a busy professional, to gain clarity, think outside your usual parameters, and build a business with a real sense of meaning."

~ Susie Briscoe  

Need A Speaker?

My calendar is available for online speaking engagements (tele-summits, webinars, and video summits) or as a guest on your radio show.

If you'd like more information about having me speak to your group, club, organization or meet-up, please get in touch with me through the contact information below.

Contact Susie via email
Click here to schedule a FREE 30-minute session. 

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