Susie Briscoe Newsletter
Susie Briscoe
Founding Chair &
Chief Executive,
Acer Coaching Associates

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I'm Susie Briscoe of Acer Coaching Associates,
and I work with business professionals around the world to get clarity on their life purpose, to include a legacy mindset, and start thinking outside their usual parameters.

Learn more here.

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Legacy & Entrepreneurship Coach, Executive Coach, Money and Finance Coach

UKCLC; C&M International Accredited by Birmingham University, UK: Coach, Mentor, Supervisor

MBM Certified

Member: International Association of Business Coaching

You want to explore your legacy, life purpose & make a difference. I help you, a busy professional, to gain clarity, think outside your usual parameters, and build a business with a real sense of meaning.

Need A Speaker?

My calendar is available for online speaking engagements (tele-summits, webinars, and video summits) or as a guest on your radio show.

If you'd like more information about having me speak to your group, club, organization or meet-up on any of the following topics, please get in touch with me through the contact information below.

• Introducing you to your best self!
• Living your life purpose
• Creating a legacy mindset
• Identifying what it is that's really important to you!
• Incorporating contribution as an everyday way of life

Contact Me:
Email Susie

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February 2017
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Flower pinwheel • A Note From Susie

• Featured Article: Transform Your Life Through Chakra Work: Continuing an Introduction to Your Chakras by Susie Briscoe

• The Susie Zone: A second chance for those of you looking for lasting love!

• What Others Are Saying: Debbie Mulford-Joy

• Quote of The Week: Indra Devi
Hello Susie,

Spring!We’re coming up to the end of the 2nd month of the year… I cannot believe it! Lots of bulbs are pushing through in my garden and it’s beginning to feel slightly (only slightly!?) warmer with a promise of colour arriving soon. The birds are singing and when I was walking around my little corner of England, life was starting to feel good and full of energy once more.

So, I hope this is your experience too! How did you get on with your planning for the year? I’ve marked in all my time off – first priority is self-care! – and then firmly placed my work commitments throughout the year as well as other exciting things like travel and seeing friends, and am noticing that there is a lot to be grateful for.

Following on from the chakra work and in conjunction with my Rainbow Theme for the year, I’ll be talking about Chakra stones, your Earth Star, and how it will help you to stay grounded through any challenges you may find yourself facing.  

For now, I would like to remind you that you have the opportunity of a free 30-minute consultation with me to discuss where you are in your life, what problems you may be facing, and to discover how I may help you. Please remember to click on my Skype link or email me ( to schedule a time to get together.

Let me know your thoughts as I always enjoy hearing from you. But for now sit back, favourite hot drink in hand, and settle down for a comfortable chat with a friend.

Loving hugs,

Transform Your Life Through Chakra Work: Continuing an Introduction to Your Chakras -- Implementing Crystals & Your Earth Star Chakra

by Susie Briscoe

To recap: Last month we looked at the 7 main chakras, and discovered that they can be balanced in several ways, including visual imagery, chanting, using chakra stones and/or aromatherapy. The chakras are an important part of Eastern medicine, in particular, Ayurvedic medicine from India. We learnt that meditating on each chakra, its color and position, can re-balance your energy and help you move forward in whatever areas you feel stuck and how they impact on your health and relationships.

How did you get on with your meditation exercise?… I hope that you found it brought a focus and renewed energy to help you to your day.

An Introduction to Chakra Stones

Chakra Stones

People who do chakra work look for a range of options to balance their chakras in order to promote health and healing and effect transformation. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of crystals, more commonly referred to as chakra stones. The stones featured have a particularly iridescent air.

Touching your chakra with your fingers or hand is an effective way to focus and balance your chakras. Related to touch is massage to open the chakras. Chakra stones can be used on their own or as part of a therapeutic massage. The theory is that...

(Click here to access and read the full article.)

In this issue's The Susie Zone, I am pleased to offer you a second opportunity for lasting love! If you missed the webinar on February 8th, here's your chance to watch the recording - for FREE.

Rainbow Heart


RECORDING of Valerie's

How to Attract and Keep Lasting Love

Are you a single OR married woman who’s unfulfilled in your love life? Do you keep attracting unavailable men, or has the passion and romance fizzled?

Do you tell your girlfriends how frustrated you are because it seems like men are intimidated by your power, your success, or are somehow “just not that into you,” even if they come on strong in the beginning?

And if you’re married, does it feel like you’re having the same arguments over and over and you yearn for the early days where he was attentive and affectionate, and would do anything for you?

What if you knew how to inspire his devotion to your happiness, so you feel loved, cherished, and adored?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My colleague Valerie Greene gave a free webinar earlier this month called Lasting Love: How to Attract, Reignite, and Sustain Passionate Partnership. Click here to watch the recording.


Debbie Mulford-Joy

Susie is an inspirational coach and mentor, and I have really enjoyed working with her. She has a genuine passion for helping her clients and helping them get to where they want to be. Susie has an expert knowledge of marketing and social media and is extremely creative in her approach, helping her clients to think outside of the box.

I would thoroughly recommend her skills and services for anyone who wants to thrive in business and develop themselves personally, to work at their best. Thank you so much, Susie :) I look forward to working with you again in the future.

~ Debbie Mulford-Joy - Sky Blue River

Indra Devi
Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed. 

~ Indra Devi

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Indra Devi (aka Eugenie V. Peterson) was a Russian yoga teacher who was an early disciple of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.  (Source: Wikipedia)

Born: 12 May 1899, Riga, Latvia
Died: 25 April 2002, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spouse: Siegrid Knauer (m. 1953-1977), Jan Strakaty (m. 1930)

Susie BriscoeSusie Briscoe has devoted nearly a decade of her professional life to achieving excellence in entrepreneurship. She now brings her years of hands-on experience to help struggling business owners break through their own blocks and overcome their personal gremlins to become the success that they know they are meant to be.

Susie has identified 'Leading Legacy' work as a major part of her passion. This is about filling the gap; working with people who still have an empty feeling inside themselves for whatever reason, and finding a way to give back to the world whilst recognising the importance of not wasting time as the clock continues to tick...

With her signature spirited style, 'can do' energy, and exceptional skills as a catalyst and educator, Susie is, without question, the go-to-girl for guidance on overcoming disadvantages and finding 'silver lining rainbow solutions' within any grey clouds. Since 2004, Susie regularly meets and speaks with clients from around the world to educate and inspire them to bring money and meaning into their business and personal life, showing how to overcome any individual hurdles along the way.

She has successful experience of working with all ages, from teenagers in their senior year at school or technical colleges approaching University and other life choices to those either retired or approaching retirement who recognise there is still music yet to be played within them.

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© 2017 Susie Briscoe
Disclosure: From time to time, we will include links in the emails that would include promotions for our own products or affiliate products that could generate income or commission for Acer Coaching Associates (our company). In the case of affiliate recommendations, most of the products are products that we have purchased, used, and recommend honestly. Regardless of compensation, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences of the product. These opinions are our own. Any claims, statistics, and quotes should be verified with the manufacturer or service provider. Be sure to do your own due diligence before making any purchases.